Library Policies
Mission Statement
Vision Statement
General Policies
Rules of Behavior Policy
Computer and Internet Policy
Exhibit Space and Bulletin Board Display Policy
Interlibrary Loan Policy
TexShare Card Lending Policy
Personnel Policies and Procedures
Volunteer Policy
Long Range Plan
Technology Plan
Mission Statement
The Mission of the Doris Padgett Public Library is to ensure that the residents of the Town of Sunnyvale have the right and means to free and open access to ideas and information which are fundamental to a democracy. The Library will protect intellectual freedom, promote literacy, encourage lifelong learning and provide library materials and information services.
Vision Statement
The Doris Padgett Public Library strives to meet the needs of the community in information, technology and entertainment.
Citizens of the Town of Sunnyvale and nearby communities will:
...have the information they need to succeed at school, at work and in their personal lives;
...have reading, viewing and listening materials and programs that stimulate their thinking, enhance their knowledge of the world and improve the quality of their leisure time; the joy of reading and develop a love of learning;
...enjoy a high level of access of electronic information resources and develop the technological information seeking, and information evaluation skills needed in an increasingly complex world;
...think of the Doris Padgett Public Library as a focal point of community life that connects and unites the people of the entire region;
...use the Doris Padgett Public Library's resources and encourage others to do so as well.
General Policies
Purpose and Goals
The purpose of the Doris Padgett Public Library is to provide materials and services to fulfill the informational, recreational and educational needs of the residents. The term "residents" encompasses individuals and groups of every age, education, philosophy, occupation, economic level, ethnic origin and human condition.
In keeping with the purpose of the library, the goals are:
...To assemble, preserve and administer books and related educational, informational, and recreational material, with the framework of its budget, in order to promote an enlightened citizenship and enrich personal lives;
...To serve as a center of reliable information;
...To accumulate the best in fiction and non-fiction for the use and benefit of the public;
...To initiate activities which will encourage the most effective use of the these selected materials;
...To cooperate with educational, civic, cultural groups and organizations whose aims are compatible with those of the Library;
...To provide opportunity and encouragement for children, young people, men and women to educate themselves continuously;
...To facilitate universal, life-long education for the general reader.
Clientele to be Served
Although the primary users will be the residents of the Town of Sunnyvale, other residents of the State of Texas and those who have TexShare privileges are also welcome to use the library's services. The selection of materials will be made with due regard for the nature and needs of persons who have different interests, educational backgrounds and abilities. In order to meet the variety of needs the Library must hold build collections which contain books and materials suitable to such diverse groups, within the limitations of budget, space and availability of materials.
Organizational Structure
The Library is a department of the Town of Sunnyvale. Governance of the library is the responsibility of the Town Council.
A library board, appointed by the Town Council, consisting of seven residents of the Town of Sunnyvale, will serve for two years, with terms staggered.
Hours of Operation
The hours of operation for the Library should be convenient to the member of the community and may be recommended by the Library Board and set by the town Council.
Tuesday through Saturday............................10:00 A.M. TO 7:00 P.M.
Sunday and Monday......................................CLOSED
The Library will be closed on approved holidays, inclement weather or due to any other emergency.
Cooperation With Other Libraries
Cooperation and reciprocal library services are encouraged among libraries. Materials not available in the Doris Padgett Public Library may be borrowed through the Texas State Library Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Network. (See ILL Policy).
The Library will cooperate with school libraries, keeping in mind that its purpose is to serve all residents and not just students. therefore, materials will be provided which supplement school curricula, but are not and cannot be a substitute for school libraries whose purpose is to provide materials for curriculum support.
Visits to the Library by school groups will be scheduled as staff and library schedules permit.
Cooperation With Other Agencies
The Library will cooperate with educational institutions and community agencies.
Acceptance of Major Gifts
Major gifts to the Library will be accepted by the Town Council upon recommendation by the Library Board.
Naming of Facilities
The Library will be named by the Town Council. The Library Board may present name or any name changes for consideration.
Closing of Facilities
The Library may be closed temporarily for holidays, inclement weather and/or any emergency with the approval of the governing entity.
Forfeiture of Library Usage
Anyone violating the regulations of the Library may, at the discretion of the Library Administration, be asked to leave the premises.
Circulation Policies
Patron Registration Policy
Any resident of the State of Texas, upon proof of identification, is eligible for a library card. Identification will be a Texas ID card or driver's license, printed checks, utility deposit, phone book listing or recent letter showing address. Cards for persons under 14 years of age must be signed by parents. If the address on the driver's license is not current, then proof of current address is required.
A library card will be issued upon completion of the application and verification of mailing address. This card will be used each time materials are taken from the library. The library may limit the number of materials to be checked out by the borrower until approval of the application.
If a borrower fails to return library materials, that person is considered ineligible to borrow materials until the library record is cleared.
Information to be obtained on the adult application card includes full name, home address, mailing address, business address, home phone number, business phone number, cell phone number, Texas Driver's license or I.D. and date of birth.
Information to be obtained on cards for persons under 14 years of age include full name, home address, mailing address, phone number, date of birth, age, parent/guardian signature, parent/guardian work number an parent/guardian Texas driver's license number.
Circulation Rules
1. All circulation materials contained in the Library are available to residents, except those who have a past record of overdue and/or lost books. In these cases the fines and/or books must be cleared before a library card can be used.
2. The number of items to be checked out at any one time, by a patron, may be limited.
3. The patron's library card should be presented to check out material.
4. Books, magazines, and CDs will be circulated for a period of two weeks. The number of items checked out on any one subject by a patron may be limited.
a. Circulation materials may be renewed unless there is a hold request for the materials from another patron.
b. Telephone renewals for books may be accepted.
c. Any circulation material may be placed on reserve.
5. Journals will be circulated for a two week period.
6. Videocassettes and DVDs may be circulated for two library business days. Telephone renewals are not accepted.
7. Reference books/materials may be circulated overnight at the discretion of the librarian.
8. Materials may be circulated for longer periods of time for teachers and/or schools.
9. A book depository is provided for returning items except video cassettes after hours.
10. Staff and board members are required to check out their books and materials in the same manner as patrons.
11. When materials are not returned at the proper time, procedures will be initiated to contact the patron. (See policy for fines, overdue and lost materials.).
Reviewed, revised and approved by Library Board on January 9, 2007.
Materials Selection Policy
Clientele to be Served
The primary users of the Library are residents of the Town of Sunnyvale. The selection of materials will be made with due regard for the nature and needs of these residents who have different interests, educational backgrounds and native abilities. In order to meet the variety of needs, the Library must build collections which contain books and materials suitable to such diverse groups, within the limitations of budget, space and availability of materials.
The Doris Padgett Public Library also has access to other collections of the major resource center in the area through Interlibrary Loan. These resources are considered as the Library selected materials. Unnecessary duplication of materials is avoided when possible.
Purpose of the Materials Selection Policy
This Materials Selection Policy shall serve the following purposes:
--To further the stated goals, objectives and functions of the Doris Padgett Public Library;
--To guide librarians in the selection of materials;
--To inform the public about selection principles.
Responsibility and Authority
Responsibility for materials selection lies with the professional staff. Final responsibility for materials purchased with public funds rests with the Director of the Sunnyvale Public Library who operates within a framework of policies periodically reviewed by the Library Board and the Town Officials.
Criteria for Selection of Materials
In general these basic principles will guide the selection of materials;
Works of information and opinion should possess qualities of:
A. Contemporary significance or permanent value;
B. Accuracy of information and objectivity of approach;
C. Authority of the author in the field;
D. Comprehensiveness and depth of treatment;
E. Clarity and logic of presentation.
Works of imagination should possess qualities of:
A. Contemporary significance or permanent value;
B. Representation of important movements, genres, or trends of national culture;
C. Vitality and originality;
D. Artistic integrity;
E. Effective characterization;
F. Authenticity of historical or social setting;
G. Sustained interest.
Materials possessing the above qualities must meet one or more of the following standards in order to be included in the Library's collection:
A. Importance of the subject matter to the collection
B. Scarcity of material on the subject;
C. Reputation and significance of the author, illustrator, editor, artist, performer, etc...;
D. Popularity;
E. Local interest;
F. Reputation and professional standing of the publisher;
G. Price;
H. Format;
I. Availability of the materials;
J. Relation of the work to the existing collection.
In addition to the above standards, periodicals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
A. Indexed in Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature;
B. Frequency of use;
C. Interest, as indicated by patron requests;
D. Reputation and quality of the publication;
E. New titles on subjects of current interest.
The presence of materials in the Library must not be construed as a personal endorsement of their contents by any member of the staff, the Library Board or the Town Officials. The Library has a responsibility to collect materials expressing a variety of views and opinions, many of which the persons responsible for maintaining the collection may find personally unacceptable.
The Library subscribes to the principles of the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read Statement, Statement on Labeling, and Free Access to Libraries for Minors. and the Texas Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Statement.
The Library recognizes that many materials are controversial and that any given item may offend some patrons. Parents and/or legal guardians are responsible for their children's reading selections. Selection will not be inhibited by the possibility that books may inadvertently come into the possession of children. Selection will be made on the merits of the work in relation to the building of the collection and the interests of the community.
Library materials will not be labeled or identified to show approval of disapproval of the contents and no cataloged book or other item will be sequestered, except for the express purpose of protecting it from injury or theft.
Use of selection Aids
Ideally every book added to the collection should be read before purchase by a librarian with trained judgment, knowledge of the Library's present resources, and acquaintance with the requirements of local readers. Where circumstances make such reading impossible or unnecessary, the staff makes skilled use of selection aids, such as basic general lists, current general lists, special bibliographies for reference books and particular subject materials, and book reviewing journals. While book reviews are a major source of information about new books, they are not followed blindly. No one publication is relied upon exclusively; the critical opinions or reviewers are checked against each other where feasible.
Among the aids used in the selection of materials are:
A. Publishers Weekly;
B. Library Journal;
C. School Library Journal
Types of Materials
The types of materials deemed suitable for acquisition include:
A. Books;
B. Periodicals/serials;
C. Newspapers;
D. Government documents;
E. Vertical file materials;
F. Sound recordings, including audio CDs and cassettes;
G. DVDs;
H. Art prints;
I. Educational toys and games.
Patron Requests
The Library welcomes patron interest in the collection and will seriously consider all requests that specific materials be acquired. The Library is under no obligation to fill any particular request if it does not meet the criteria of the selection policy. A patron form is available and must be completed.
Gifts to the Library, in the form of materials or money, are welcome. However, gifts will be treated in the same way as all other materials.
This means:
A. All gifts are subject to the previously stated Criteria for Selection;
B. The Library may refuse any material not deemed desirable;
C. Gifts will be handled while in the collection in exactly the same way as materials purchased with public funds;
D. When gift materials are deemed no longer useful, the Library will discard them on the same basis that it discards other materials.
The Library reserves the right to decide the conditions of display, housing and access to the materials. No estimate of value or record of donated items will be furnished.
A Gift Receipt Form will be used when the library staff accepts materials.
Maintenance of the Collection
The collection will be examined periodically for the purpose of weeding, using the CREW method, and repairing materials to maintain a balanced, timely, and attractive book stock.
Reasons for withdrawal of materials are:
A. Poor physical condition;
B. Datedness and inaccuracy of informational;
C. Lack of reader interest as evidenced by lack of use;
D. Duplicates not justified by demand;
E. Items that do not meet the current selection criteria.
The controversial nature of materials shall not be deemed a sufficient reason for removal unless and until the material has been subjected to a full formal review as outlined below.
Request for Reconsideration of Materials
Because in a pluralistic society, tastes and opinions differ, some materials the Library acquires may be offensive to some patrons. In a democracy which incorporates the rights of free press and speech into its basic system of law, the minority does not have the prerogative to curtail the free access to published materials by the majority. Just as important, the majority does not have the right to curtail free access to published materials by the minority or the individual. If, however, a patron objects to material held by the Public Library, he may submit a Citizen's Request for Reconsideration of Materials Form In no instance will material be removed on demand. All considerations of requests to remove materials will be reviewed using the principles of this selection policy statement as a guide.
In order to have a request considered, the patron must:
A. Be a registered borrower of the Library;
B. File a completed Citizen's Request for Reconsideration of Materials Form with a Librarian or the Director;
C. Supply full name and address. Anonymous complaints will not be considered.
After the completed form is received, the Librarian will review the reasons for the complaint and the material is question. She/he will attempt to answer the complaint to the patron's satisfaction. If the patron is not satisifed withe Librarian's action, she/he may request that the material be reviewed by a Material Review Committee. The committee will be composed of the Librarian and the Library Board.
The decision of the Materials Review Committee shall be final.
Policy For Fines, Overdues, Lost Material, and Fees
Types of Materials:
Interlibrary Loan
A fine of $.20 will be charged for each day materials (excepting DVDs) are overdue. The fine for DVDs will be $1.00 per day. This includes holidays and days the library is closed, since a book depository is provided during the hours the library is closed. The fine will not exceed the replacement price of the item.
Patrons may replace items considered lost with a newly purchased copy of the same type and edition of the item lost (or with the lost item itself if found) at the discretion of the Librarian. If the item is accepted, the replacement cost of the item will be waived. The processing fee may not be waived.
Lost or damaged material will be charged for the cost of replacement (as designated by the lending library), plus a $10.00 processing fee. Patrons may replace items considered lost with a newly purchased copy of the same type and edition of the item lost (or with the lost item itself if found) at the discretion of the Librarian. If the item is accepted, the replacement cost of the item will be waived. The processing fee may not be waived.
Interlibrary Loan materials returned late will be assessed a fine of $1.00 per day, plus whatever the lending library charges.
Items that have been checked out for a calendar year are considered lost.
Patrons who request an item through Interlibrary Loan and fail to pick it up after being notified by the library, will be assessed a fee of $5.00 for each unclaimed titles.
Laminating will be done as staff time permits at material replacement cost.
Sending and receiving fax messages is available. The cost of the transmission is $1.00 per page local. $1.50 per page to send long distance. To receive fax messages the fee is $.50 per page.
Replacement for lost borrower's cards will be $.50.
Patrons may make copies with our photocopier at a charge of $.25 per page. for black and white copies and $.50 per page for color copies.
Approved and adopted by Sunnyvale Library Board on October 23, 2007.
Revised and adopted by Sunnyvale Library Board on September 19, 2017.